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Your role

As the statistician on the team, your job is to help your team make informed decisions on study design considerations, including:

  • Decide on the number of clusters (health facilities) to include.
  • Buffer for drop-out.
  • Determining the necessary sample size and power for primary and secondary endpoints.
  • Adjust for ICC.

Available data

In order to help you perform these critical calculations, we have pre-loaded all the fact sheets and data that your various team members have access to.

This includes:

  • epi: data on malaria prevalence, incidence and test positivity rate
  • health_facilities: data on health facilities in each region, the population they serve, and expected malaria cases per month
  • cost_per_hf: fixed cost per health facility enrolled (in USD), including training, equipment, and administrative expenses.
  • cost_per_sample: cost per sample enrolled (in USD), including collection, laboratory testing, consumables, and data management
  • cost_transport_coast: transport cost per health facility (in USD) in the Coastal region
  • cost_transport_highland: transport cost per health facility (in USD) in the Highland region
  • cost_transport_forest: transport cost per health facility (in USD) in the Forest region
  • cost_transport_urban: transport cost per health facility (in USD) in the Urban region

We have also pre-loaded the DRpower R package so you can access its functions if you need to!


You can use the below R code box to perform your calculations

Fact sheet: Statistician